We don’t gather any primary details other than email-id which is submitted at the time of registration, from user.
We don’t use any phone numbers which are checked at Phonevalidator.co. We (Phonevalidator.co) do not share any information with any one or any third party companies.
NO. At Phonevalidator.co, we don’t use cookies. However, we do use THIRD PARTY TRACKING SYSTEM which may use cookies for the purpose of identification. When system usage or abuse needs to be figure out, third party tracking system may use cookies.
NO. As per our privacy policy, we neither allow any modification in data nor deletion. However, we can assure that whatever information user provides to our website is completely secure and protected.
Ofcourse. You can certainly subscribe to the services of Phonevalidator.co. You will have to register with the website using Sign Up. Once you are registered user, you will enter in the world of privileged customers. Registered users have privilege to use all services which may not be available to regular users.
At Phonevalidator.co, we are bound to simplify your life. We have integration with PayPal Services so that you don’t have to take many efforts to pay for the services. At the time of registration, you will be given option to pay for the subscription. You also have option to select API lookups as well as Batch lookups subscription. You can decide which option is feasible.
YES. We may store user’s computer’s IP address to figure out system exploitation.
Application Programming Interface is known as API. Using computer programs, a code is transferred to distinguish the calling program on another computer. Besides, API keys are used to trail as well as manage the usage of API. For an instance, to avert nasty system use or/and exploitation of the API.
API keys generally solve dual purpose. They work as an exclusive identifier as well as a hidden token for verification. API can be established on the UUID system to assure they will be exclusive to one another.
Phone Number Lookup API or Bulk Phone Number Validation
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